Dense Carpet

Our home should be life giving and soul refreshing. A soft spot to land on a hard day and a beautiful place to recharge and rejuvenate! And that’s what luxuriously dense carpets are for! The soft and luxurious feel of a carpet bestows your feet with a toe-caress feeling. Whether you are walking barefoot or in slippers, a carpet helps your feet in keeping warm, especially during winter season. Carpet has an excellent insulating property, much more than any hard surface flooring. A thicker carpet provides a higher insulation factor regardless of the fiber type in the carpet; this was stated by a study conducted by Georgia Institute of Technology School of Textile Engineering. Using an under pad with the carpet also provides greater overall insulation. Having a carpet which reduces heat loss means that you can save the cost related to heating a home, like electricity. A denser carpet traps the dust particles and allergens in their fibers until you vacuum them out; hence it prevents the dust particles to float in the environment and keeps them out of your breathing air. A dense carpet is also an energy saver as it retains warm air longer. You can lay a plush Saxony carpet which makes hanging out on floor a fun and cozy experience.